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Nottingham, NH, United States
I'm a middle school science teacher at Nottingham and I love biology!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The faintest touch · Play scopa

The faintest touch · Play scopa:

And a brainteaser: You probably know that half of 12 is six. But the other day, I caught a glimpse of a clock peeking between buildings. At that moment, I noticed that sometimes, half of 12 is seven. How is this possible?

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Ebola vaccinations begin in Congo

Vaccinations for Ebola are brand new and are now being used to help stop an outbreak in Congo.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Bird's eye for directions!

A protein found in birds' eyes allow them to sense the Earth's magnetic fields - which helps them navigate. Read more!

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

The latest in ScienceNews

A color changing material made of rats' heart cells, a bank that stores umbilical cords and missing dark matter are just a few of the cool stories in this latest edition of ScienceNEWS!

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